Sunday, October 29, 2006


Has anyone found a place to go to?

I need to find a place to blog. If Blogger can't function when I need to function then I need to go somewhere functional.

Does anyone have any ideas as to where one can go to get out of Baghdad Blogger?


Blogging4Food said...

I have no answers...

Anonymous said...


A very good blogging friend of mine has gone over to WordPress and loves it. It is, I think, a more dynamic blogging service/platform.

I was wondering if you knew that Al Gore, who sits on the board of directors to Apple Computers, had recently railed against the consolidation of information by just a few media conglomerates. That this is rather ironic should not be missed: Gore sits atop CurrentTV, which is built around Google, the most powerful and total engine in the world; he is an advisor to Google, Google owns Blogger, and now Google owns YouTube. Talk about consolidation of power and information: We bloggers are merely doing data entry for the beast, that beast which follows our chatter in order to shape ideas, programming and markets. The help you seek might not REALLY be available.

Anyhow, partly in jest, partly paranoid as hell, always in peace, and bidding you good luck,


Vigilante said...

That's where I've dabbling, Contra. I still feel Blogger is more intuitive, user friendly and leaves one to one's own resources as far as writing up and composing a page. But I cannot/will not tolerate this on again-off again arrangement no matter who's pulling the strings....

Sapo said...

I agree! It stinks. I have no answer. I'm about to start a blog for work and will probably go with WordPress, but I need to do more research.

Google is taking over more and more of the online world and it's time for them to be seriously challenged.

They've got YouTube now, and they have basically postioned themselves to take control of access to the world of online books in the major libraries.

If control of Google ever gets into the hands of more conservative elements, we are fucked.

Vigilante said...

I feel as if I'm being waterboarded every other morning.

Kentucky Rain said...

Blogger sucks the big patoot Vigil. I hate it for the same reason everyone else hates it. PC Magazine offers several options in their advertisements.. For about $24 a year you can get a website with all the bells, whistles and 24/7 customer support. There are, of course, a number of other services such as MY SPACE, Word Press, and etc. I have toyed a long time with the idea of just building a web site and calling it a blog. Google has completely screwed up Blogger. I also think everyone needs to get together and write to GOOGLE and tell them they suck. Either fix it or sell it, or we don't advertise their product.

Anonymous said...

Dear Vigilante,

I know that I do not know you, and surely you do not know me. Regardless of our current status of acquaintance, I have to say that I laughed, fully and with great satisfaction, when I read your simple admission: "I feel as if I am being waterboarded every other morning."

That's hysterical. It should be a bumper sticker, a T-shirt (Lord knows we need someone to produce something of merit for use in those media). Thank you for giving me a completely unexpected guffaw.



Anonymous said...

But, M.D., if Google is already in the hands of LESS conservative elements (as you say), then how do you explain the fact that someone like Vigilante already feels, well, as you so elegantly put it -- f*cked?

Google is already storing everything we do; Google is already reading our email (gmail); Google is reading our blogs and watching our videos. Google as Big Brother is watching more closely than any conservative administration could ever care to: and yet we put up with this all voluntarily. If you are right that a more conservative element might use Google more invasively, one wonders what is left for them to invade. Would conservatives finally scan my very thoughts?

Look out. Google Earth is watching overhead: they have a picture of your house.

Knock. Knock.

Sadly, there probably is no rabbit to follow.



Pink Liberty said...

I'm not getting the problem with Blogger except worry that Google is going to be used to target us by the govt? Is that the main issue here? I figure if "they" decide to get us however they get us (I frankly think at this point their too concerned about counting their dollars than coming after us), and if we ever hear about that happening to each other, we need to start fleeing this nation ASAP.

Pink Liberty said...

Hold it, did you get completely erase???????!!!!!!!!

Bob Keller said...

Blogger had a few problems early this morning. It's happened before and it will happen again.

Those of us who have been through this before know to CAREFULLY SAVE THE BLOGGER "EDIT" FILES as a *.txt file on our desktop periodically during composition. Still I have lost entire entires in the past. @#%!!^&*$#

My latest, incredibly brilliant, essay (genuinely a gift to all mankind) was hung up this morning by the blogger glitch that likely casued your cry for help. I simply waited a few hours and it's up now.

My recommendation is to stay with blogger. I actually already use several other programs now, but blogger is the best.

the Wizard.....

Vigilante said...

Gnade, I don't have to like your politics in order to like you, do I?

Vigilante said...

I now have a platform on WordPress, but it's dirt-ugly compared to my Blogger site. I had moved all of my files over but then Contratimes fired off an IEP into a consersation that should have been retired, and now I'll have to re-import everything. It is so inferior, as Star will attest, that I probably only use it as a safety valve when Blogger is down.

I'm trying to figure out a title:


All suggestions will be welcomed.

Vigilante said...

And Star, don't share the location. It's not yet presentable.

Beach Bum said...

Blogger is a pain but I'm good at living with pain. Tongue planted in cheek as I write that.

Anonymous said...

The new name for your new blog could be, I think (I may be full of flatus), The Contratimes Fan Club. And your URL might be, I don't know, this.

Just a few VERY erudite (and humble) suggestions.

Thanks for your goodness and sense of humor,


(PS. The URL I gave you is totally new to me. I just found it for your amusement. And it is amusing, disturbingly amusing.)

Vigilante said...

Blogger is not working for me again.....may be the last straw.